Hello friends,
I'm excited to announce that Jade Webb of Meet Cute Creative has designed the first two book covers in my Misty River Series. Dancing in the Grass is Book One with a release date of May 31st if all goes well. My second book, Falling Inn Love should be out in the beginning of October. This brings me to the question--Are Cover Reveals necessary?
First of all, what is a Cover Reveal? This is when an author shows her new book cover to the "world" on various social media platforms such as your website, your blog, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik-Tok and a host of others. It's an important marketing tool and one that is necessary if you're self-publishing. Think about where you’ll have the biggest reach and the most receptive audience. You could choose your strongest platform, or the one you most want to grow.
The first question you should ask is: Should you do a cover reveal? Do you have a large enough fan base? Personally, I don't. But if you’re still developing your platform, like I am, there may not be many people who really care about your book, never mind your cover. It will take reviews, giveaways and word-of-mouth to generate interest in your book. With that being said, you may have gained a bit of a following through your social media posts whether that be through Instagram (like I have) or your author Facebook page or other social media platforms. This also gives the reader something to look forward to and facilitates pre-orders on Amazon. Cover reveals can be fun if given the right amount of time to plan for it. Although I'm still working on my platform, I do have people already asking about my book which is a good thing!
The second question may be: Are you writing a series that may gain a following? I am writing a series and I've already been sharing tidbits of the stories through Instagram. A lot of my followers are saying they can't wait to read them. I just hope when I do publish, they'll follow through and buy the book(s).
Even if you don't have a platform or a following, I think it's a great idea to do a cover reveal for one reason--to build up your readership. Although I'm a new author with my first book coming out in a few months, I think having a Cover Reveal will only help me. It can, hopefully, bring in preorders and get the hype going to buy the book.
Some authors won't do a cover reveal until they have a few books published either traditionally or self-published. But, if you do, what's needed to do a cover reveal?
* First and foremost--a wonderful cover! Readers do judge a book by its cover.
* You'll also need short summary of the story aka the blurb, and information about you.
* Announce that you're hosting a reveal and tell your fans where and when it will take place.
Treat this as a major event. Show how excited you are to share this cover with your friends
and fans! If you're excited, your fans will be excited.
* Make the reveal an event people don't want to miss ---do a count down or a tease.
* Then upload your cover with the details on your social media accounts.
* Have fellow bloggers share through announcements, author and character interviews, and
* And, last but not least, set up the pre-sales option on Amazon.com.
Once your cover is posted, link the cover to all your social media accounts. Make sure you respond to your fans who comment and show your appreciation for their excitement.
When that's done, sit back, enjoy a cappuccino, or some Earl Grey tea, or something stronger if you need it, then cross your fingers and wait for those first reviews and sales figures to come in.
And remember to breathe.
Note: The image shown is not my book. I created this mock reveal on Canva.
