Hello Friends,
I have a new and improved website and I'm really happy with it. Take a moment to browse around and look at the features. Let me know in the comments what your thoughts are. Should I change anything? Add anything? What types of posts do you want me to write on my blog? Any ideas for Member content? The same goes for Writer and Reader content. This website is for my readers and writer friends to enjoy. A way for you to follow me on my writing journey. I'm hoping that I can inspire you as a writer on your writing journey as well.
My plan is to write one blog post a week and will most likely be published on the same day each week. What day that will be I'm not sure yet, but I will let you know. In a blog post!
For now, thanks for stopping by and checking out my new website. And, if you like what you see, please become a valued member where you can enjoy additional freebies, content and info I wouldn't normally share on the website.